My Projects

Project List

Some of the projects that I have worked on.

A Kanban board for tasks created in React and Fast API with Authentication

Posted on 26th December, 2022

There was a recent assignment were I was asked to work with drag and drop using React. I created this repository to play around and experiment with the libraries available to achieve this feature. Soon, I picked react-beautiful-dnd after trying few packages.

I thought it might be nice to have a full fledged Kanban board app with authentication. It was just a drag and drop page with some static items in the beginning. But, then I added a back-end created in Fast API and Python and created authentication module to enable multi-user token based authentication.

It has another simple task module with four available status which we can modify using the drag and drop feature I have in the application. I plan to extend this application in the future by adding more modules to and slowing making it a JIRA clone sort of look. But, I believe I have the MVP so I added this here in the projects section of my blog.


Python FASTApi React Javascript TailwindCSS

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